Creating a monitor is easy!
- Copy your project url.
- Visit create-monitor
Creating a monitor is easy!
Go to the project dashboard, you want to display, and copy it's url.
The url has the following format:
The board number doesn't matter, propromo does only fetch the basic data, not the board information.
Visit create-monitor and paste the url in the input field.
Creating a monitor is easy!
If you want to create a monitor and the project you want to display is private, you need a Github pat token with read scopes first.
You can create such token at
These are the needed scopes you need to select (_read-only_ needed, no write access):
Note: If the project is public, you just need the url of the project.
Go to the project dashboard, you want to display, and copy it's url. The url has the following format: or orgs-/-login-name-/projects/-id-/views/-id-
The view part does not matter, propromo can only fetch the milestones and issues, not the views.
(version `2022-11-28` (latest) of the github-rest-api does not support that).
Visit create-monitor and paste the url and the token in the input fields.